'I don't need any Jewels or gold, but if you will love me and let me be your companion and playmate, sit down with you at the table and eat off your plate, drink out of your cup and sleep in your bed, if you can promise me all of these, then, I will dive down and retrieve your golden ball.' 'Frog, I can give you the finest jewels, riches, anything you would wish for that is within my ability to procure.' The prince offered what he hoped was a generous enough consideration. If you will help me fetch my ball.' The prince agreed, though he did not take the frog's request very seriously especially on the 'love' part, but thought that the rest was within his means to provide. The time to return to the castle was fast approaching and Kyle was already thinking of curling back up on his favorite recliner with a good book. The frog, as soon as he received the promise, dived down into the well.
Within a few seconds, he came back up with the golden ball gripped tightly in his mouth and threw it back up at the prince's feet.